Bihar RTPS Service Plus (जाति,आय,निवास) :- The portal has been started by the Government of Bihar, through which you can make income, caste, residence certificate online. As we know how important documents are in our life. Without such documents (income, caste, resident) we cannot apply for any job. We have to face many problems. To solve all this, Bihar RTPS Service Portal has been launched by the Government of Bihar.Through this article of ours, we will tell you how to apply Bihar RTPS Service Plus Online? What documents are required to make (income, caste, residence certificate)? We are giving you all the information related to the portal in detail through our article. If you would like to apply for the making of these documents? So read our article carefully till the end.
- RTPS Bihar – Bihar RTPS Service online apply
- Rtps service online enrollment income, caste, resident
- Purpose of Bihar RTPS Service
- Bihar RTPS Service Plus Online Apply Status Links
- Services Available on Bihar RTPS Portal
- Domicile/Residential Certificate
- RTPS Bihar income certificate
- Rtps bihar caste certificate
- Online Application Process for Bihar RTPS Service
- Some questions asked related to RTPS service online application and answer
RTPS Bihar – Bihar RTPS Service online apply
Bihar RTPS Service (Right to Public Service) was started on 15 August 2011. Through this portal you can apply for documents online even without visiting any office, every person needs documents for government work or personal work, but to make them we have to visit many offices. Have to stand in long lines. Which takes a lot of time, but now you do not need to panic. Bihar RTPS Service Plus has been started by the government, through this portal you can create your documents sitting at home. For more information related to the service read the complete article.
Bihar RTPS Service Plus Online Apply
Service Name
Bihar RTPS Portal Service
Purpose Income
Caste, Residence Certificate Apply Online
Citizens of Bihar State
Official website
Portal launched
Bihar Government
RTPS Service Online Enrollment Income, Caste, Resident
Various types of government schemes are provided by the government to the citizens of the state, which are for some time. To take advantage of these schemes, it is very important for the applicant to have the availability of documents, but many times the documents are not made. Which we have to prepare in advance.Sometimes we are not aware of this information, and it also takes a lot of time to make them. Many such schemes are taken out by the government, in which the applicant is required to show caste, income and residence certificate. For which we had to make rounds of government offices earlier, the process of making certificates takes a very long time, but now Bihar government has started RTPS Service Plus portal to generate income, caste, residence certificates for citizens. have been done. This will save your time as well.
Purpose of Bihar RTPS Service
Citizens residing in the state of Bihar can take advantage of this service. The purpose of the portal is to provide government services to the citizens living in the state of Bihar in their city. In this project, work is done by the Department of Information Technology under the Government of Bihar through Service Plus. Which is the software framework for National Informatics Center (NIC) distribution and grievance redressal of the Government of India. The citizens of Bihar state will be able to take advantage of the services through this portal.
Bihar RTPS Service Plus Online Apply Status Links
Services Available on Bihar RTPS Portal
We are providing here the information about the certificates/services which are available online on the official website of Bihar RTPS. We have given here detailed information about the most commonly created certificates on the portal and the services for which you can apply online.
RTPS Bihar Residential Certificate
The residence letter of the state government is considered to be an important document, through which the citizen residing in the state is identified, where the citizen is residing and what is his permanent residence, the need of residence certificate is also necessary to take government jobs. Along with this, this proof is required to get the electricity bill connection, to get the address change in the Aadhar card to take admission in the schools.The letter is necessary, you can use it as your address, which you know as residence certificate, it tells how many years you have been residing here and where you are resident!
RTPS Bihar income certificate
The income of all citizens is calculated by the state government and on the basis of this, the benefits of government services are given to the citizens and along with this, the income certificate shows a very important role in many types of schemes to show the income of a person. Income certificate is required forIncome certificate is issued by the district officer or by the Tehsildar. Income certificate is also known as EWS certificate because those who have less income are kept in the category of EWS certificate, it is a very important document. Is!
RTPS Bihar caste certificate
The citizens of the state are divided into the categories of castes by the state government, for which the state government issues caste certificates. Caste certificate is required to avail the benefits of As you know that the government provides opportunities to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in various types of government schemes, along with state governments give job opportunities for scheduled castes or scheduled tribes in government schemes and government jobs. Such people can take advantage of government services by getting their caste certificate made, these certificates are made from RTPS 7 Bihar portal!
Online Application Process for Bihar RTPS Service
Caste certificate is used as a very important document, which has many benefits for us. Reservation is given by the government to the people belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes. For which caste certificate is very necessary. Caste certificate is necessary for every person living in India, no matter which caste community you belong to. Caste certificate is available everywhere like- school, college, reservation,It is useful for scholarship etc. The certificate is issued by the state or central government. If a person does not have a caste certificate, then he will be considered in the general category. A scheme has been started by Right to Public Service in Bihar, through which applicant can apply online for caste certificate, or can also apply for caste certificate through Bihar RTPS service. Information related to this has been given to you in detail in the article.
Rtps Bihar Online Important Documents ?
- पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो
- मोबाइल नंबर
- आधार कार्ड
Q.RTPS Bihar portal पर आवेदन स्तिथि/application status कैसे देखे?
Ans. RTPS portal पर Application Status (आवेदन की स्तिथि) के विकल्प को चुने, फिर अपना application id डालके status के बटन पर क्लिक करे।
Q.RTPS Bihar पर कौन-कौन से Certificate के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते है ?
Ans.RTPS Portal पर Caste Certificate, Income Certificate & Domicile Certificate के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन किया जा सकता है |
Q.RTPS Bihar क्या है?
Ans. राज्य सरकार द्वारा चलाया जाने वाला पोर्टल है इस पोर्टल की मदत से आय प्रमाण पत्र, निवास प्रमाण पत्र, और जाती ऑनलाइन प्रमाण पत्र के लिए घर बैठे आवेदन कर सकते है. अन्य सुविधा भी इस पोर्टल पर उपलब्ध है।
Q.RTPS full form क्या है?
Ans.Right To public service, RTPS का full form होता है. इसे हिंदी में “लोक सेवा का अधिकार” भी कहा जाता है।
Q.RTPS आवेदन के लिए क्या क्या दस्तावेज ज़रूरी हैं?
Ans.आधार कार्ड, वोटर कार्ड, पासपोर्ट फोटो, पैन कार्ड, राशन कार्ड (फोटोकॉपी)
Q.RTPS Bihar online registration कैसे करे?
Ans.Rtps registration Bihar करने के लिए आपको इस लेख में आपको विस्तार में जानकारी मिल जाएगी।
Q.निवास प्रमाण पत्र ऑनलाइन कैसे बनाएं ?
Ans.बिहार में अगर आप निवास प्रमाण पत्र ऑनलाइन की सहायता से बनाना चाहते हैं तो इसके लिए आपको सबसे पहले बिहार आरटीपीएस के आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा और आवेदन फॉर्म में आपको निवास प्रमाण पत्र का चयन करना होगा और अपने फॉर्म को पूर्ण रूप भरकर सबमिट करना होगा ।